Where is the legend from? It is from
- East Java
- West Java
- Central Java
- North Java
Who is the main character of the story above?
- Si Tumang
- Sangkuriang
- Dayang Sumbi
- Sangkuriang’s mother
Why was Dayang Sumbi exiled in the jungle? Because she ...
- Was married and pregnant
- Was unmarried and not pregnant
- Was unmarried and pregnant
- Followed her husband
Why did Dayang Sumbi refuse sangkuriang proposal?
- Because she recognized that he was her son
- Because sangkuriang was ungly
- Because sangkuriang was not rich
- Because she had a husband
” ... And then took its heart home.” (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word refers to…
- Wayungyang
- Pig
- Dayang Sumbi
- Tumang
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